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Interface CreateAccountOptions


  • CreateAccountOptions



Optional auths

auths: undefined | { active: AuthorityType | string | PublicKey; memoKey: PublicKey | string; owner: AuthorityType | string | PublicKey; posting: AuthorityType | string | PublicKey }

Account authorities, used to manually set account keys. Can not be used together with the password option.


creator: string

Creator account, fee will be deducted from this and the key to sign the transaction must be the creators active key.

Optional delegation

delegation: string | Asset | number

Account delegation, amount of VESTS to delegate to the new account. If omitted the delegation amount will be the lowest possible based on the fee. Can be set to zero to disable delegation.

Optional fee

fee: string | Asset | number

Account creation fee. If omitted fee will be set to lowest possible.

Optional metadata

metadata: undefined | {}

Optional account meta-data.

Optional password

password: undefined | string

Password for the new account, if set, all keys will be derived from this.


username: string

Username for the new account.

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