The account to be recovered.
Extensions. Not currently used.
The new owner authority as specified in the request account recovery operation.
A previous owner authority that the account holder will use to prove past ownership of the account to be recovered.
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Recover an account to a new authority using a previous authority and verification of the recovery account as proof of identity. This operation can only succeed if there was a recovery request sent by the account's recover account.
In order to recover the account, the account holder must provide proof of past ownership and proof of identity to the recovery account. Being able to satisfy an owner authority that was used in the past 30 days is sufficient to prove past ownership. The get_owner_history function in the database API returns past owner authorities that are valid for account recovery.
Proving identity is an off chain contract between the account holder and the recovery account. The recovery request contains a new authority which must be satisfied by the account holder to regain control. The actual process of verifying authority may become complicated, but that is an application level concern, not a blockchain concern.
This operation requires both the past and future owner authorities in the operation because neither of them can be derived from the current chain state. The operation must be signed by keys that satisfy both the new owner authority and the recent owner authority. Failing either fails the operation entirely.
If a recovery request was made inadvertantly, the account holder should contact the recovery account to have the request deleted.
The two setp combination of the account recovery request and recover is safe because the recovery account never has access to secrets of the account to recover. They simply act as an on chain endorsement of off chain identity. In other systems, a fork would be required to enforce such off chain state. Additionally, an account cannot be permanently recovered to the wrong account. While any owner authority from the past 30 days can be used, including a compromised authority, the account can be continually recovered until the recovery account is confident a combination of uncompromised authorities were used to recover the account. The actual process of verifying authority may become complicated, but that is an application level concern, not the blockchain's concern.