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Interface RequestAccountRecoveryOperation

All account recovery requests come from a listed recovery account. This is secure based on the assumption that only a trusted account should be a recovery account. It is the responsibility of the recovery account to verify the identity of the account holder of the account to recover by whichever means they have agreed upon. The blockchain assumes identity has been verified when this operation is broadcast.

This operation creates an account recovery request which the account to recover has 24 hours to respond to before the request expires and is invalidated.

There can only be one active recovery request per account at any one time. Pushing this operation for an account to recover when it already has an active request will either update the request to a new new owner authority and extend the request expiration to 24 hours from the current head block time or it will delete the request. To cancel a request, simply set the weight threshold of the new owner authority to 0, making it an open authority.

Additionally, the new owner authority must be satisfiable. In other words, the sum of the key weights must be greater than or equal to the weight threshold.

This operation only needs to be signed by the the recovery account. The account to recover confirms its identity to the blockchain in the recover account operation.






0: "request_account_recovery"


1: { account_to_recover: string; extensions: any[]; new_owner_authority: AuthorityType; recovery_account: string }

Type declaration

  • account_to_recover: string

    The account to recover. This is likely due to a compromised owner authority.

  • extensions: any[]

    Extensions. Not currently used.

  • new_owner_authority: AuthorityType

    The new owner authority the account to recover wishes to have. This is secret known by the account to recover and will be confirmed in a recover_account_operation.

  • recovery_account: string

    The recovery account is listed as the recovery account on the account to recover.

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